Home / Editorial / Afghanistan’s saffron is best globally

Afghanistan’s saffron is best globally

The Afghan saffron is best in the world. It has already found its way to international markets. The saffron cultivated and produced in Afghanistan has been recognized as the best in the world in terms of its quality for the eighth consecutive year. This is great news. The quality and taste of the Afghan saffron were evaluated at an institution in Belgium. Anyone enjoying Afghan saffron in their tea, cakes, cookies, and cooking are very lucky. The Afghan farmers are now optimistic for having saffron as an alternative plant to the low-price and distasteful poppy opium, in the poverty stricken country. Figures show that Afghanistan provides 8.15 tons (6.3%) of the world’s global saffron consumption, which is 430 tons a year. The figure also shows that Afghanistan produced 8.15 tons of saffron last year, bringing it into third place after Iran and India. The price for each kilogram of saffron in local markets is up to Afs 90,000 ($1,145) and it is above $1,400 in international markets, according to the Afghan officials. Indeed the Afghan farmers and ministry of agriculture, irrigation and livestock have done a lot of good work for the saffron cultivation growth and quality improvement. This precious plant which is considered as a red gold has been growing efficiently. The cultivation of saffron has popularized during the recent years and it is regarded one of the most significant exporting item in the country. After six straight years of being recognized as the world’s highest quality saffron, Afghan saffron is making its mark on the world. Indeed saffron provides tremendous economic input, and the farmers can earn six to ten their average income through saffron. This will help improve Afghan farmer living standards, and could be the best option to replace poppy—a cultivation that earned ban name for Afghanistan. Anyways, saffron cultivation and process center will provide job opportunities for many people. Unemployment is one of key challenges, and jobs provided by saffron cultivation and processing, mean a populace economically stable and less susceptible to insurgent influence. Afghanistan scrambling with economy, where sustainable private sector growth is what will achieve stability in the country. Saffron is the perfect crop to achieve this goal. Whenever you hear about Afghanistan, it remains of war—but Afghanistan is potently rich in other areas. War has been imposed. From now, when Afghanistan’s name mention in intentional platforms, it should remain the world about its best saffron production, no longer about the war.

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